Lead your own life!
Immersive Experiences with Horses for Relationship, Leadership, and Self-Development
Over 90% of human communication can be contained in the nonverbal cues we give each other. Horses are nonverbal communication experts and have a highly evolved ability to read the extremely subtle body language and emotional cues of humans. Horses are very accepting and non-judgmental, which allows you an opportunity to grow and develop in communication, leadership, and inner clarity and can transform how you relate with others and yourself.
A great workshop in San Francisco with this awesome multi-species group
Join us for non-riding activities where you partner with horses to develop insight about your thoughts, beliefs, and patterns of behavior. Step out of the busy everyday world and feel connected to animals and the natural world. Feel the relaxation and joy of reconnecting with yourself, your strengths, and your true nature.
Black Stallion Act: Horses are playful and we can give them cues using only our body language and energy
Our immersive experiences with horses are held at a beautiful and peaceful private ranch near Petaluma in Sonoma County. They create a fun and transformative environment for individuals, couples, and groups to increase emotional intelligence, insight, personal and professional leadership, empathy, trust, and creativity. This work enhances how you show up in all facets of your life. Our horses love what they do and look forward to connecting with you!
A pair of happy horses feeling free and unconstrained
Sampling of Research and Press on Equine Assisted Experiences:
Equine Facilitated Learning for Enhancing Leadership and Communication Skills by Hedwige Serot Almeras and Sabrina Bresciani. Academy of Management Journal. “[A] qualitative research design with semi-structured interviews is deployed to explore the impacts of EFL workshops on executives and managers from a variety of organizations who attended programs conducted in four different EFL centers. Findings indicate that participants (aged 28-58), interviewed 1 to 2 years after the EFL training, perceive positive effects at both individual and group level.” https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.12372abstract
Equine-Assisted Experiential Learning in Occupational Therapy Education by Lynne Murphy, Jacqueline Wilson, and Stacey Greenberg. Journal of Experiential Education. “Clear benefits were identified in the equine-assisted experience for occupational therapy students…. statistically significant improvement in tolerance to ambiguity was identified following the session. In addition, students perceived improved problem-solving skills, ability to analyze activities, and more effective communication skills.” https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1053825917712732
What Horses Can Teach Us About Leadership. Financial Times. “FT work and careers journalist Janina Conboye visits an equine leadership development school - and finds out horses give pretty useful feedback when it comes to presence, boundaries, trust and respect.” https://www.ft.com/video/ec526dcc-2c6c-46b8-a7e9-800c2ddd764b
Horses Have an Extraordinary Ability to Help Humans by Wendy Bowman. ‘[Therapist] Corcoran adds, "we have seen clients of all ages and backgrounds motivated by the guidance, acceptance and love of a horse to grow into happier, healthier, more peaceful and more loving people."‘ https://health.howstuffworks.com/mental-health/coping/horse-therapy.htm
About Your Facilitator
I’m passionate about making the world a better place one emotionally empowered person at a time. My goal is to help people take charge of their own experience and create the lives and relationships they really want.
My practice combines the emotional mastery and communication skills developed in a lifetime of working with horses with the systems-thinking and global perspective of my training in ecology. To this I add proven, research-backed techniques from mediation, conflict management, psychology, and high-performance coaching.
As a former Olympic hopeful in the hammer throw, I was lucky enough to be coached by, and to train with some, of the best coaches and athletes in the world. And as a lifelong equestrian, a professional trainer, and a competitor, I experienced the true transformation available through the pursuit of mastery and the power of the human-animal bond, both in myself and in my students. (The equestrian story is long, for more details, visit the Equestrian page.)
Both of these fields showed me the power of inner work in outer performance. They taught me—a formerly shy and unassertive person—to thrive in high-pressure performance situations. And now I love helping others develop their confidence to thrive in the performance-based professional world—and to develop self-mastery in all areas of their lives.
Equine-Partnered Coach - Awakening With Equines
Horse Boy Method Certification, Level 1 - Horse Boy Method
Bronze and Silver Medals - United States Dressage Federation
Certified Trainer Program Graduate - United States Hunter/Jumper Association
Master of Science, Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology - San Francisco State University
Certificate in Conflict Management - Sonoma State University
Mediation Certification - Community Boards
State Champion, Hammer Throw - California Community College Association
Below are photos from Leading with Horses events around Northern California:
Thomas loves journaling—he’s always very helpful and supportive.
Peace and love on the range: A horse has to really trust you to close their eyes for more than just a blink. And when horses are free in a giant field, you definitely know that they genuinely like being around you.